Turning small ideas into reality

Through British Design and Engineering

Incync-e (engineering) came about through my desire to turn my engineering background, my hobbies and my enjoyment of creating solutions to engineering challenges into my own business. A place where I can design and create freely, using the high quality materials and the latest CNC technology.

After 30 years of doing it for others. I’m doing it for myself. I have a range of products in the pipeline covering most of my interests, including: cars, motorbikes, cycling and coffee! Follow us for updates.

If you have an idea you think is too small for a big firm to be bothered with, talk to us. we were you once, we still are you, we’re small but we think big.

Professional Services

We offer a variety of professional services that help you achieve your business goals. Do you need help with building a comprehensive business plan to get financing? What about one-on-one mentoring to take your career to the next level? We’ve got that.


Our dynamic programs cover businesses in a variety of stages and sizes. Whether you’re just starting out, have too many hats as a SME owner, need high-level executive mentoring or need marketing tips that fit your schedule, our programs fit the bill.


The greatest ideas don’t feel real until you see and hold them. We’ll help you turn your thoughts and scribbles into accurate drawings and ultimately something solid in your hand with maximum expertise and minimum expense,